

"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones that best adapt to change"

Charles Darwin

I&D&I (Investigation, Development and Innovation)

As a result of its mission, Tree Flowers Solutions focus its efforts on developing partnerships with entities from the Sistema Científico e Tecnológico Nacional (SCTN) as well as industry partners with the aim of researching and developing new products and processes that promote new solutions for the ingredients market Therefore, we present on this page the most recent projects where TFS has focused.

Productive Innovation Project

TFS intends to develop an innovative technological process, allowing the production of natural ingredients, in a distaineble way and in large scale. In order to achieve the established objectives, TFS made an ambitious investment plan that includes the design, construction and implementation of an industrial complex with an integrated production line and a high quality control system. TFS intends to set up a cutting edge industrial complex in its headquarters with management and communication systems to ensure a sustainable, efficient production system and assure the highest quality. 

Highly Qualified Human Resources (RHAQ)

As a result of TFS's mission and the investments planned in the industrial unit, TFS will invest in the hiring of 3 highly qualified human resources, which will be essential for the implementation of an I&D&I strategy. The RHAQs will allow TFS to:

  • Fully stimulate an I&D strategy, stimulate research and development of new products, according to the needs of the sectors of the target industries;
  • Acquire critical knowledge in control and management of the entire production chain as in management of regulatory processes in the area of agri-food;
  • Implementation of a Product Management policy (política de Gestão de Produto) in the company;
  • Stimulate strategic I&D partnerships, both with business partners and SCTN entities.

Bio4Drinks - Co-promotion project

"Bio4Drinks - Obtaining multifunctional natural ingredients for the Beverage Industry" aims to promote innovation in the natural ingredients and beverages industry through research and development of multifunctional natural ingredients, for use in beer and flavored water, through the use of by-products of the wine and chestnut industry branch. Therefore, a multidisciplinary consortium with proven experience relevant for the the project was assembled, composed of three companies, Tree Flower Solutions Lda., FermentUM and the Super Bock Group, as well as two entities from SCTN, MORE - Laboratório Colaborativo Montanhas de Investigação, and Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), two strategic partnerships for TFS.